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american psycho quotes


A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut. Maybe. var useSSL = "https:" == document.location.protocol; Jean Paul Gaultier. Patrick Bateman: Wear a dress. Thats rich. Harold Carnes, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'quoteambition_com-leader-4','ezslot_22',166,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quoteambition_com-leader-4-0');31. What could you possibly be up to tonight? Craig McDermott: Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) sits at a conference table with his fellow stockbrokers. That whole Yale thing. Just mulling over business problems, examining opportunities, exchanging rumors, spreading gossip. Patrick Bateman, 41. "And there are many more people I, uh . I don't mind it anymore. Patrick Bateman googletag.pubads().setTargeting("surface", "mw"); We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Jesus, yes! It even has a watermark, causing Bateman to visibly perspire. Donald Kimball: [in bed] [Bateman closes his eyes, trying to shrug it off]. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. The sound in the room dies down and all we hear is a faint heartbeat as Bateman stares at the magnificent card. And this is because they have to make up for how fucking unnattractive they are. //]]> I don't want to get you drunk, but, ah, that's a very fine Chardonnay you're not drinking. Patrick Bateman: American Psycho. Donald Kimball: There are no girls with good personalities. Luis Carruthers: Look closer at the deeper meaning and messages of American Psycho's ending. Well, you can always be thinner look better. Patrick Bateman: Patrick Bateman: Timothy Bryce: Okay, let's do it. The cast is filled by the detective, the fiance, the mistress, the coworker, and the secretary. The constant keeping up with appearances that Bateman has to do is part of the reason his life unravels, both as a professional investment banker and as a serial killer. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("author", []); I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. Willem Dafoe, Jared Leto, Josh Lucas, Chlo Sevigny, Samantha Mathis, Cara Seymour, Justin . You should mind it. A = p.createElement(s); Just cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks. I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("shelf", ["americanpsycho","humanity","horror"]); Manage Settings Jean: About how the Sikhs are killing like tons of Israelis over there? Patrick Bateman: What does Mr. Grinch want for Christmas? function isShowingBuyableFeatures() { At some point in American Psycho, Bateman feels that by confessing to what he's done, a subliminal weight will be lifted from his shoulders, but the release from the pain he feels ("constant and sharp") seems never to come. Now, Carnes, listen. I can't believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten's card to mine. Evil is its only permanence. Patrick gets so upset over the look of his rival Paul Allen's card that he begins to sweat, something one of his colleagues picks up on. And we'll have to get someone to videotape. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of American Psycho. The whole message I left on your machine was true. The mounting realization that his rampage means so little to so many, and the taking lives hasn't actually drawn him closer to understanding the meaning behind his own, drives him to frantically call his lawyer and explain quite candidly that he's "killed a lot of people.". Now cherished as an ultra-bleak comedy, American Psycho blends horror and hedonism to create a twisted and affecting commentary of affluence and excess. It isnt poisoned. Patrick Bateman, 13. Patrick Bateman. Are you sure that's Paul Allen over there? Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people. No shiatsu this morning? With his friendly demeanor and dead eyes, he appears to be nothing more than your usual banker. Oh, my God. Have a wedding. Bateman, do you want me to fry you up some fucking potato pancakes? Hasta la vista, baby. Patrick Bateman: "When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. There's no meaning ascribed to the person he puts forth whatsoever, though every choice is made with the utmost care. Very nice. Evelyn Williams: When he's asked what he does, instead of trying to cling to his faade, he lets someone in by actually telling them he's into "murders and executions." Pumpkin, you're dating the biggest dickweed in New York. I think you should go now. Where Gatsby focuses on the American Jazz era, Psycho is the Yuppie (Young, Upwardly-mobile Professional) decade of the 1980s, set in Wall Street, New York, at the time of the great economic boom. I'm on the verge of tears by the time we arrive at Espace, since I'm positive we won't have a decent table. Patrick Bateman: Patrick Bateman: What do you do? Before that, however, he tries to break up with his girlfriend, either because he hopes to spare her or because he doesn't want her to catch on to what he's doing. Not the fucking face, you piece of bitch trash! Patrick Bateman: Im at a point in my life where there seem to be so many possibilities. g = p.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; RELATED: 10 Copycat Slasher Movies That Tried Way Too Hard. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. Patrick Bateman is the novel's protagonist and narrator. I'm just a happy camper! Dont you recognize me? Um, no. Top 200 Best American Psycho Quotes -American Psycho is a film that was made from a book, also titled American Psycho. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. PATRICK BATEMAN Psycho, American Psychho Shirt, American Horror Film Tshirt, Paul Allen Psycho Fan Tees, American Psycho Retro 90s Sweater. Patrick, we should do it. Patrick Bateman: We talked on the phone all the time. This confession has meant nothing. Patrick Bateman, 6. We're not through yet. Evelyn Williams: You hate that job anyway. , A great memorable quote from the American Psycho movie on - Patrick Bateman: There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. Patrick Bateman: Bateman is such a dork. I think, um, Evelyn that, uh, we've lost touch. Let's see Paul Allen's card. [again he tries to walk off but Bateman halts him] Patrick Bateman: "I had all the characteristics of a human beingflesh, blood, skin, hairbut my depersonalization was so intense, had gone so deep, that my normal ability to feel compassion had been eradicated, the victim of a slow, purposeful erasure. Jean ?Yes, Patrick ? He makes himself out to be a harmless old codger, but inside inside Patrick Bateman: Now, John, youve to wear clothes in proportion to your physique. You have a little something. American Psycho Quotes From Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) 10. American Psycho. googletag.pubads().enableAsyncRendering(); Patrick Bateman: Halloween T-Shirts. var cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); The maitre 'd at Canal Bar? Psycho american quotes movie bale christian quote bateman patrick movies quotesgram film choose board. Ed Gein? Luis Carruthers: It seems logical because Marcus also works at P&P and in fact does the same exact thing I do and he also has a penchant for Valentino suits and Oliver Peoples glasses. I'm not going to make it to the office this afternoon. googletag.pubads().disableInitialLoad(); Are you all right? Craig McDermott: [feigning tears] Real estate agent: The message you left. It's such a compelling argument for him that he uses it while his fiance sobs into her brunch, and when a peer tries to pressure him into something ambiguous in the bathroom. How did you get it? You're still seeing her, right? For the controversial book's 25th anniversary this . [Puts nail gun to the back of Jean's head]. Now if youll excuse me, I really must be going. Harold Carnes, 58. Speaking of reasonable, only $570 Evelyn Williams: var ue_sid = "365-9066108-5053758"; Patrick Bateman: Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "American Psycho" by Bret Easton Ellis. Patrick Bateman: He lives in a socioeconomic habitat so removed from the majority of people's collective consciousness that the small problems he has are so infinitesimal, they must be hypertrophied to the point of absurdity. Norman Bates : I was born in mine. function getCookieWithoutJQuery(name) { And the lettering is something called Silian Rail. [after being kicked in the face by Christie the call girl] In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. Harold Carnes: Patrick Bateman: More colors. [alarmed] [to Christie] Two of the longest-running gags in the movie are whether or not Patrick Bateman is really Paul Allen (Jared Leto), and getting a reservation at Dorsia. Patrick Bateman: Fans quickly learn that while he spends an awfully large part of his day invested in his appearance and his presentation, it's all a carefully curated faade. Patrick Bateman Character Analysis. Wall Street, the 80s. Patrick Bateman: His punishment continues to elude him because no one seems very interested in the mayhem he's caused. if (window.Mobvious === undefined) { Its f*cking over, us, this is no joke. } I think I might hurt you. Patrick Bateman: [he bashes Allen in the head with the axe, and blood splatters over him]. The film developed a cult following, with multiple memes based on the film circulating since 2009. }); One part wants me to take her out, talk to her, be real nice and sweet and treat her right.". I'm sorry. I'm 27 years old. Don't you know all this? 50 Hannibal Lecter Quotes to Make Your Blood Run Cold, 60 Thelma & Louise Quotes on Friendship and Girl Power. It's his slow descent into madness from the ennui of his hollow existence that gives fans such quotable dialogue. Patrick Bateman: for(var i=0; i

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american psycho quotes